The FHG Conflict Response Roles Inventory (CR2I)™

What is the Conflict Response Roles Inventory™?

The Conflict Response Roles Inventory (CR2I)™ is a psychometric instrument designed to help you understand yourself — and others — when in conflict.

Through self-assessment, the CR2I™ allows you to identify:

  • your behaviors when communication goes awry and you are upset
  • what triggers you
  • the needs your behaviours are intended to serve and protect
  • the default role that you adopt when in conflict
  • the approaches you try when that default doesn't work
  • your conflict patterns with other people

Why use it?

Using the CR2I™ to examine your attitudes, behaviors, strategies, and needs will enable you to develop a deeper, and more clear, understanding of what happens to you when you are in conflict. It will help you understand "who" you become in those situations, and why. This increased self-knowledge will help you to make the necessary adjustments so that conflict situations are prevented, or managed more skillfully, and earlier.

The CR2I™ is a powerful tool not only to use for your own personal benefit, but also for the benefit of any kind of working or personal relationship. Used by hundreds of businesses, organizations, individuals and groups since 2005, it provides valuable insight and support as you learn how to better manage conflict in all aspects of your life. Upon completing the CR2ITM you will receive a comprehensive interpretive booklet, a sample preview of which can be downloaded here.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a facilitated workshop on how to administer and interpret the Conflict Response Roles Inventory™.


1. To take the Conflict Response Roles Inventory (CR2I)™, click on the "Buy Now with PayPal" button (below).

2. Once payment has been processed, you should be redirected to CR2I Subscriptions page within about 10 seconds. There you will find your login credentials for the CR2I™. These will appear onscreen and will also be emailed to you, so make sure (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) is a trusted sender in your email application. Check your spam filter if you do not receive email confirmation.

If you aren't automatically redirected to Fifth House Group, click the link on the PayPal page that will take you to the CR2I™ Subscriptions page, then log in with the credentials supplied (if required).

3. On the Subscriptions page you will see two Components, "Section A - Multiple Choice" and "Section B - Rating scale". Click on the ‘Start the CR2I' button or 'Complete the CR2I Now' button, as appropriate, for each of the two sections.

For bulk discounts on team or group orders, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Conflict Response Roles Inventory (CR2I) - Individual
19.95 CAD

Are you a Loner, Diplomat, Moderator, Decision-Maker or Friend?

Do you find yourself running away from conflict rather than risking confrontation? Or are you always willing and able to step into conflict, to defend your point of view? Are you more likely to seek compromise among the warring parties, even if everyone gives up something?

Five roles-masks
Source: iStockphoto

How you typically respond to conflict is a set of behaviors that has been a helpful survival strategy... until now. It can also be the reason conflicts are often prolonged or more painful than necessary.

Contact us to arrange a facilitated "Train the Trainer" workshop on how to administer and interpret the Conflict Response Roles (CR2I)TM Inventory.